Friday, May 31, 2013

Pregnancy... and the reality of it

What a joy it is to be pregnant and carrying a human life inside of you! I have to admit I've had a pretty easy pregnancy, as my daughter has been so gracious to me in not causing morning sickness, and only some mild nausea in the beginning. I've really enjoyed everything as my body has changed, I've gained weight, and definitely enjoying the beauty that God has designed through my body creating and sustaining another human life. Wow, what an amazing God that I serve and love!

There are times that are certainly tough during pregnancy though, as I get farther along. At times (mainly when I'm stressed or have been on my feet all day long) I get the terrible swollen ankles as if I've sprained my ankles (because they get HUGE!) It's not a beautiful sight, but something that reminds me that my baby girl is growing, and this comes with having a child-giving up my body for the sake of my child growing. I've had some acid re-flux too that was tough at times, but thankfully is rare now. It was definitely uncomfortable to get this burning sensation in my throat after eating foods that I love-which I absolutely love food!! People remind me that the acid re-flux means that she will have a full head of hair, so I continue to endure that pain (when it comes) knowing that perhaps I'll have a baby full of hair (let's hope straight black hair like her daddy!) I've been definitely not enjoying the stretching of my stomach though. No stretch marks on my belly yet, BUT the pain of your stomach stretching when it's never done this extreme stretch before can be quite uncomfortable and almost burning at times. It was definitely painful when it first began, but I've begun to wear maternity clothes and loosen things to then wear less tight fitting things in the areas that hurt the most. Also using Vitmain E Oil on my belly one or two times a day helps to keep it well moisturized.

My newest and toughest part is now how FREQUENTLY I have to run to the bathroom! I feel like she's dropping lower as now the weight on my bladder gets so insanely intense and then I do the pregnant waddle (it's no joke) just to make it in time!! It's insane how the other night Carlos and I went to the store, and I got out of the car and I was waddling and saying how BADLY I had to use the bathroom. By the time we got to the back of the store, I was fine.. because my little one had moved her positioning and taken it off my bladder. It still shocks me at times that I have a little baby inside of me that (for now) can control my trips to the bathroom and how frequently I have to run there. 

Overall I don't do this to complain about how at times pregnancy can be uncomfortable and tough, BUT overall it's totally worth it when I feel her move around in my belly and (her newest thing is head butting me on the right side) head butt me as if she's trying to break out of my belly. I know she's growing in there and soon will be running out of the room she used to have my my stomach, and things may get more uncomfortable for me. I know throughout that time I'll endure just knowing that my little girl is well taken care of, growing healthily, and seems to be happy as she moves all the time. I love you my little sweetheart and can't wait to meet the little person inside of me that's made me run to the bathroom so much! MWAH!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

30 weeks...

How far along?  30 weeks! Wow, only 10 more weeks to go or 2.5 months!!! OH MY GOODNESS!
Total weight gain/measurements: Started at 142 and have gained... and since my last midwife appt I'm assuming around 20lbs now (but I'll find out this Friday)
Maternity clothes: YES! Since last time Carlos & I went out to Kohl's and got some clothes! FINALLY! I couldn't use the belly bands anymore because they were pinching my skin.. ouch! I love maternity pants! :)
Stretch marks: Nope! Been using just vitmain E oil in the morning and before I go to bed, and it's definitely helping a lot! :) Definitely feel my skin stretching, but haven't seen any on that belly of mine.
Sleep: WONDERFUL! I love my pregnancy pillow! Still allowing for great sleep at night.
Best moment this week: Getting to go to our friend's Jonathan & Hannah Hawes wedding and getting to wear a dress. I felt great being pregnant and wearing a nice dress! Loved it!
Miss anything? Not having to run to the bathroom all the time. She now is so big that she pushes on my bladder quite often and I'm always running to the bathroom, for no reason. BUT, she's worth it!
Movement: OH YEAH! Talk about an active little girl! She's always moving. Now she's gotten to wear she pushes so she can stretch, and it feels like she's trying to break out of my body. Not always comfortable, but it's amazing to feel her movements, because then I know she's doing well.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, thankfully!
Gender:  baby girl
Labor signs: Not yet, but the swollen ankles are loving me this morning! Thankfully it doesn't hurt, but I definitely see them, and it's not so lovely to look at.
Symptoms: none
Belly button in or out? Still an innie! Trying to push out, but NOT YET.. hold off belly button!
Wedding rings on or off? ON and loving it! 
Happy or moody most of the time: happy! I absolutely love being preggers! :)
Looking forward to: Getting our basement back to normal (hopefully by the end of this weekend), Memorial Day weekend, and seeing some family. We are planning to paint her room in the next coming weeks, so that will be awesome! :) 

Weeks 29 & 30

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

28 weeks... welcoming my 3rd trimester

How far along?  28 weeks! Wow where has time gone.. only 12 more weeks to go! She's about 2lbs now! :) YEAH!
Total weight gain/measurements: Started at 142 and have gained... 17 pounds so far... crazy to think, I could never gain weight before and now I'm gaining like insane.
Maternity clothes: the maternity clothes I got, well 2 shirts are awesome and 1 of the pants worked (out of 3) so tonight Carlos and I are planning to head out to see if we can find some more, because I'm growing out of my clothes so quickly!
Stretch marks: Not yet... :) I've been using Vitamin E Oil to rub on my belly and then I also use the thick Trader Joes body butter to help seal the oil in and it's been helping, and keeping my itchy/stretching belly from being as itchy all day... definitely working!
Sleep: It's been great! Finally getting some solid sleep at night, and have for about the last week or so! YEAH!
Best moment this week: Hitting the 3rd trimester. I think getting closer to the end is exciting because we're getting closer to meeting our little girl. I enjoy pregnancy a WHOLE LOT, but I want to meet my girl. Thankfully we have 12 more weeks, so she can keep growing and we can keep preparing!
Miss anything? Just not having as much weight on my body, because now I have the swollen ankles sometimes, BUT I know that means she's growing and that's great!
Movement: Oh yes! She's a sassy little girl already! If I have my arm on my belly and she doesn't like it.. well she makes it clear and kicks me! She's an active one and stubborn to by not letting her daddy feel her movements but every once in a while. Silly girl, she will learn that won't work once she's out of my belly.. as I know he's going to mess with her all the time to just love her so much! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, thankfully!
Gender:  baby girl
Labor signs: none. Just see the "end" pregnancy signs of the bad back pain, night trips to the bathroom as she takes up more room, and the swollen ankles
Symptoms: none
Belly button in or out? Still an innie! Trying to push out, but NOT YET.. hold off belly button!
Wedding rings on or off? ON! :)
Happy or moody most of the time: happy! love feeling my sweet girl moving, so I'm definitely a happy mama.
Looking forward to: Finishing up our basement before she arrives-should be done in the next week or so, getting more things set up in the house for her arrival, and preparing more through our Bradley classes! They've been awesome in helping us to prepare! :)

Weeks 27 & 28