Wow babygirl, you're already 6 months old! Where has the time gone? I barely remember the feeling of being pregnant with you (I have to remember the moments of finding out I was pregnant, your first sonogram, feeling your first kicks, late night runs to the bathroom, and then your birth), as it seems like you've always been outside of me and in my arms! You've made me the happiest mother in the world with just your smile alone, and all of those precious giggles that you give me daily! I never knew that I could fall in love with a little person every single day, yet you make it possible! You're such an incredible baby and you continue to impress me with how willing you are to go with the flow of things, when naps are thrown off and we're out later than normal, you somehow just keep going along with things. You're just an incredible little girl, and I can't wait until you grow up and begin talking. Your daddy and I always talk about how we can't wait until you can run up to us and hug up, talk to us, etc. It's going to be incredible, yet I want you to stay my tiny little baby forever! I know that's not possible, as the last 6 months have flown by, but I absolutely love how much you've grown and getting to be home and not miss any of this. Being home with you daily is the greatest gift (besides salvation, your daddy, and you) that I've ever received! Getting to be with you all the time is such a precious gift, and I hope and pray that I never take it for granted as it's so special for me to get to witness all of your progress and how much you've changed over the last 6 months.
Here's a recap of the last month of your life and all of the BIG accomplishments that you've had in the last month!
Month 5::
Here's a recap of the last month of your life and all of the BIG accomplishments that you've had in the last month!
Month 5::
-you grab for what you want now-ALL THE TIME (and you want everything!)
-you're getting good at sitting up, and holding yourself up for a bit before falling over
-you get fussy sometimes when you just want to stand up, and then you giggle once you do
-you've grown out of your SwaddleMe
-you sleep on your stomach now, and move A LOT through the night in your crib (lay you in there one way, and you move a completely different way)
-had your first play date with your cousin Maddy and Tia Ligia
-learning to be gentle when petting the dogs instead of scratching all the time, and pulling all of Preemos hair out
-you finally moved up to size 2 diapers
-you tried your first real food (and swallowed it) sweet potatoes!! You absolutely loved it!!
-you lay on your back and will push your hips up in the air.. Definitely funny to watch
-you're enjoying trying new foods and of course make cute faces to go along with the new tastes. You've now tried sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, carrots, pears, and yellow squash (enjoyed every single one of them)
-you'll sometimes lean in and rest on me which is super sweet
-you'll rest on me and just swing/kick your legs
-you just learned how to grunt and it's funny coming from a tiny baby
-watched your first Superbowl (Denver Broncos vs Seattle Seahawks) and the Seahawks won!
I look forward to the next month of your life and all the new growth you will accomplish! Maybe crawling, although, I'm TOTALLY NOT ready for that as of yet! Stay my happy, smiling, beautiful little girl! I love you so much babygirl, and love being your mommy! MWAH!
-watched your first Superbowl (Denver Broncos vs Seattle Seahawks) and the Seahawks won!
My little belly sleeper
Preparing your food
Daddys girl
Kissing Penny
Pics with grammy
Reading before bedtime
Big girl standing up
Superbowl party
First time trying sweet potatoes
Hanging out at your abuelos house
Hanging out with family before the Superbowl
I look forward to the next month of your life and all the new growth you will accomplish! Maybe crawling, although, I'm TOTALLY NOT ready for that as of yet! Stay my happy, smiling, beautiful little girl! I love you so much babygirl, and love being your mommy! MWAH!