Monday, February 25, 2013

18 weeks along...

How far along?  18 weeks along! Baby is about 5.5 inches about the size of a bell pepper! :)
Total weight gain/measurements: I started at 142, and as of last week I had only gained 2 pounds! woo hoo!
Maternity clothes: Still haven't bought a thing! I got the exchange the too small belly bands my mom got me, and got ones that were a little bit bigger, so now I can comfortably wear my clothes and not be in pain when I sit (due to the tight button).
Stretch marks: No way baby! I've still been using the coconut butter from Trader Joes, and it keeps my sin smooth, and moisturized all day long. None yet, phew!
Sleep: It's been great! Although now my left shoulder has been hurting when I tried to tuck it behind my head under my pillow... so thankfully when I don't sleep on my left side, it seems to be ok. 
Best moment this week: Well in the last 2 weeks, it's been awesome getting to see my husband and I so impressed with how much my belly is growing, and how the baby is growing, it keeps impressing us! Also I'm totally loving my husband rubbing my belly daily, it's the sweetest thing and makes me love him so much! 
Miss anything? Not a thing! I really LOVE being pregnant. 
Movement: Haven't felt anything yet, but everyday after eating, I usually sit & rub my belly to see if I can feel anything. I should in the next week or two. 
Food cravings: Not anything that I can think of right now, just any food is great to me, but no real cravings that I can't live without.. thankfully that's not happening right now. At one point I almost was about to cry when I wasn't getting the food I wanted after a week or so. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. :)
Gender:  Not sure yet. We find out next Monday, March 4th! Woo hoo! I'm totally excited! I'm thinking a boy, but we're not sure, and who knows.. it could be a little girl.
Labor signs: Not yet! PHEW!
Symptoms: Feeling awesome! I really enjoy being pregnant and barely realize that I am, until I look in the mirror, and see my belly sticking out.
Belly button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On! :)
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, all the time! Somethings do tend to easily irritate me at times, I guess that's part of the hormones, but it's only when things don't go as planned.... which can happen from time to time. But otherwise, I'm totally happy! :)
Looking forward to: Feeling the baby move & getting to our appt next Monday to find out if we're having a boy or girl! Oh my.. the anticipation is killing me! :) 

(Above: Weeks 17 & 18
Below: Weeks 11, 14, 16.5)

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