I have no idea where the time has gone! You continue to change, and I thought that things would slow down, but truly it hasn't. You've become so much more affectionate this last month, and grow to be so much more of your own self. I can tell that you watch everything that daddy & I do, because you copy EVERYTHING! It's really cute, but shows how smart you are and quick! I love every moment that we have together, and truly you bring so much joy to our home, as you have since the day had you. Let's recap the last month...
-you laugh so much just for the fun of it... but now you know you can do it to get attention
-you'll pick up headphones and try to put them in your ears.
-you make a noise like "ehh" for things you point at, want us to do, or want to give us. This is showing us how much you're learning to communicate with us.
-you love to put things between your knees and squeeze them together to hold stuff. You've done it with your crayons and remote.
-you love putting your sippy cup inside of shoes because you're used to seeing me put it in the hole in your diaper bag
-to love walking on your tippy toes at home when you don't have shoes on, it's quite cute!
-you love wearing glasses!!! You get sad if I take them off your face and just love walking around wearing them!
-know how to blow your nose... With or without help! So cute!
-you run to the oven when food is done and point to where the beeping comes from
-you smile when we ask you too and shrug your shoulders too! it's super cute!
-you carry the phone around and have conversations on it for about 15 mins at a time, while you do other stuff... Preparing to be a good multitasker already!
-your shoe obsession has become OUT OF CONTROL! you're always picking up a pair of shoes (not just a random shoe, but you love a pair) and then you carry them around or walk around with them on, and it's super cute!
-you're loving climbing onto the couch to making yourself comfortable with pillows and a blanket, it's quite cute!
-your shoe obsession has become OUT OF CONTROL! you're always picking up a pair of shoes (not just a random shoe, but you love a pair) and then you carry them around or walk around with them on, and it's super cute!
-you're loving climbing onto the couch to making yourself comfortable with pillows and a blanket, it's quite cute!
the smile you give me when I ask you to smile for me
you love to be so caring for little ones
before New Years!
Christmas Eve & Christmas day outfits
Visiting Auntie Rachel!
Such a little model
You LOVE the couch
The shoe obsession
Fun with Selah
Redskins love
Fun time with family
Family fun
Staying up late to DANCE!
I love you baby girl! You've been amazing!
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