Wow, today was a crazy day for me as a mom!!!! Nonstop busyness all day long: helping my husband get out the door with getting his breakfast and lunch, breakfast for leeana and I, taking the dog out and feeding him, vacuuming the living room with my little helper, then bath time for leeana and her lunch, then getting her down for a nap (took more time today than usual), giving preemo a bath along with nail cutting, brushing his teeth, cleaning his ears, and of course followed by cleaning the bathtub out and then getting a bath myself. Well, I'm not done there... 3 loads of laundry, with finally eating lunch around 3pm, paying a doctors bill and calling another company about wrong charges, taking out the trash, and working on a huge project that I have for later this week. Haha, and people say that being a stay at home mom is boring!!! Far from it!
This post is not to complain at all, rather realize that sometimes we have to sit back and enjoy the precious moments we have. This morning before all the chaos began for my day, when going to pick leeana out of her crib, her leg was somehow able to reach the top of her crib. I stood there for a second and just had to look at her and realize she's not a little tiny baby anymore but constantly growing. Her foot reached over the crib!!!!!! This is too much! It made me realize that by having to lower her crib for the LAST time now (only 3 levels and now we're on level 3) that she's becoming a big girl. She's active all the time and so full of life! It made me thankful that before nonstop work at home started, that I needed to take that moment with her to just remember how much she's grown and how over the last 15 months it's been the greatest experience watching her change.
The only thing I ask baby girl, is to please stop growing up so fast! I love you so much!
Mommy 😘
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