I've officially succeeded as a mom this past month! You've become obsessed with LIPCHAP! You'll be hearing that word quite often. Not only did you start picking it up when you were only a few months old, but now you come up to me when I put it on, so you can have some too! Officially I should be "mom of the year!" Only kidding about that! But that's huge since your aunt Lauren, Grammy and I are absolutely obsessed with lipchap!
You're learning things so quickly and it's impressing me with how smart you're becoming. You're beginning to REALLY understand when daddy or I ask you think in spanish, and you're even beginning to be taught some words in spanish. It's so exciting to watch as you change and learn so many things! I love getting to see the little changes that you're making more and more often!
Here's the list of things I could put down of what you've done this month...
-you're learning to shake hands when someone puts a hand out to say "nice to meet you" and of course you do It with a huge smile!
-you know how to clean up your toys!!!
-you've begun pulling our hands to lead us around and take us places. It's so sweet!
-you figured out how to open preemos crate and let him out once we get home
-you LOVE climbing into your stroller to sit there and play
-you know how to stick your tongue out when asked, which was taught by daddy when he brushes your teeth/tongue at night
-when I ask you to blow a kiss, you officially make the sound of a kiss (without the hand motion of actually releasing it)
-when I ask you to give me a kiss, you're not making the sound of a kiss when doing it!! 😍
-you LOVE to spin in circles!
-when you see me put lipchap on, you begin to say "emmm" to tell me that you want md to put lipchap on you too!! If I don't, you definitely begin to cry over it. You're officially OBSESSED!
Having Reuben over for a play date
Walking the mall with daddy & I
Hanging out at your Uncle Wills house
A fun playdate with your buddy Caleb
Getting a beautiful rose from daddy
Fun time with Reuben & Seth at Chick-fil-a
Hugs with your best buddy Griffin
Getting to hang with the girls, and meet Ms Hannah for the first time!
Our fun to the dentist office!
Hanging out at Mr. Tire
Practicing for a future sibling!
I love you sweet girl! Can't wait to see what this next month brings! MWAH!
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