Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Month 16...

Baby girl,

You keep changing so much! It's been fun watching you change so much this last month, yet trying at times. You're showing a new attitude that daddy and I were not expecting. You definitely are becoming a bit more emotional over the last week or so, but thankfully my sweet little babygirl is back, instead of continual tantrums when told "no" or "hold on." Glad to have you back my sweetpea!

Here's how you've changed so much this last month...

-you're very obedient when asked to get off the stairs.
-you've been to your first bonfire at the Heidel's house
-you no longer do just "the mad face" but close your eyes after doing it 
-you've begun to run, and love to do it all the time when you're happy
-you love standing inside daddy and my shoes
-when you're finished with your sippy cup in the car, you hand it back to me.
-you can take your bib on and off now 
-you like to hold the cord while I vacuum the living room and help me out. 
-you can officially walk backwards 
-you've really gotten the hang of using a spoon and enjoy feeding yourself with it daily. 
-you enjoy redecorating the living room with picking up a matching pair of shoes to place around the living room. 
-your car seat now faces forward and you love watching the road with us (as of Thanksgiving morning)
-you've become my little follower when it comes to cleaning. You love to shut any open doors or drawers and are learning to sometimes put toys back in your bin 
-you took your first bath in the BIG tub while visiting Ohio after thanksgiving! You loved it!
-we've officially weaned you from nursing as of November 28th. 1 week away from 16 months of it, and I miss it. You did so amazing with nursing for that long and I loved every minute of it!!!
-you've started playing peek a boo with me by squating behind the couch 
-you love to stick your fingers up people's noses! 

Thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving day

Ohio fun

Fun in Ohio with Aunt April

Thanksgiving morning

Playing with my baby girl

Your grandparents surprise 60th party

Time with Uncle Jay

Cousins night fun

Grammys bday lunch

You love our shoes

my little snow bunny

Bonfire fun

Fun with granddaddy

I love you baby girl! I look forward to month 17!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

15 months of loving you Leeana Eva!


You've changed so much in the last 15 months! Yesterday your wellness visit shows that you're 31 inches long and 19lbs 15oz. You're slowly gaining weight (healthily) and getting so tall!!! I look forward to watching you continue to grow the next few months. I feel like time is flying by and I'm missing you being such a tiny little dependent baby who needed me for everything, and now you just want to be active on your own. 

Also, it's officially been 1 year since I've been home with you. I can't believe that time has gone by so quickly from when I last walked out of the doors of NASI as an employee with some of my most favorite ladies, and became your full-time mommy. I've enjoyed every single moment of being home with you and working in home to raise you. You're such a fun girl and make it totally worth it. 

Here's how you've changed last month:

-your daddy taught you how to turn on and off a light switch. 
-you open and close the doors on the kitchen cabinets NON-STOP!
-you've officially figured out properly how to get on and off the couch alone, all the time
-you're great at handing things back to people when asked "can I have it?"
-you now scream at things if they don't go your way (you have quite the personality) 
-instead of crying when you don't get food you say "ummmmmmm mmmm" and it lets us know you want to eat
- you're trying to say the word dog, and every time you see Preemo you saw "daw" 
-you've begun to sometimes close your eyes when you walk... Kinda cute until you run into something 
-if you're playing with a cell phone and a noise happens, you hand the phone back 
-you now understand when you sit in your high chair and are told to wait, so we can pray, you wait, give me your hand to pray and wait patiently. When we're done praying, I let you know to go eat an you happily grab your food. 
-you've figured out how to open preemos crate, and have officially dumped out his bowl of water all over the floor 
-you've learned to go downstairs on the steps, by sliding backwards.
-you can reach the doorknob to the front door 
-you know what your hairbrush is used for and you try to brush your hair, although not very successful 
-you're just like your daddy, you hate having socks on! You seem to somehow take them off every time you get a chance.
-you're beginning to walk fast and soon going to run 
-you've learned to knock on doors and glass

I've enjoyed seeing you continue to change every month, although I feel it's been too fast for me. I'm trying to enjoy everyday of your life but I feel you're rushing it! Slow it down baby girl! Here are some pics for a recap...

15 month appt joy

Having fun with Caleb


A nice hug with Tio Daniel

Lunch with Tia China

A nice Philly trip with daddy & I

Such a fashionista!

Ok, you've officially met one of the most amazing preachers... John MacArthur!

Philly time with your uncles

Enjoying a quesadilla with us on a date night

Play date with Griffin

You love your great grandparents

Future photographer?

Fun play dates

Serious time with Selah

Helping to pray to end abortion with our buddies, the Krintz's

Snuggling with great grandmama

I love you baby girl! 


Monday, October 6, 2014

14 months...

Wow! On October 5th it was officially your 14th month of life! Time sure has flown by! I feel like last month went slower, yet I look back on all of your changes and realize how fast it's really gone by. It's been so fun seeing how much more affectionate you've become, and I've definitely enjoyed each and every one of the snuggles we've had. You had your first case of Roseola which had me concerned since you had a 3 day fever, and after it broke, the next morning you had a rash all over your body. You didn't seem to mind as you walked all around the doctors office in your diaper showing Dr. Wendy all of your pretty new spots. Thankfully you were a champ through it and it was gone 2 days later. You're such a happy girl no matter the fever, you still smiled and played as normal. It made me less concerned seeing how well you handled every single minute. 

Here's the new changes over the last month:

-you're learning to give hugs (english & spanish)
-when you want to take something from someone and they won't let you, you begin to make this face that looks like you're using all your strength to keep it... And now you're learning to throw a tantrum over it too. You're teaching me to ask you for the item, and you kindly hand it over to me... good manners!
-you climb onto the couch without any help (now if we can just get you to not stand by the edge of the couch..)
-you've learned how to climb off the couch with a little bit of assistance 
-you pivot so well when you walk
-you walk nonstop and always carry around your sippy cup, or some toy in hand wherever you go
-you now squat all the time, and it's so cute watching you do it to look at things or talk to preemo
-you know how to get into your rocking chair (my old rocking chair) and sit in it properly!! (it's pretty cute watching you "read" a book in it)
-you've become determined to climb your bookshelf if something is ontop of it that you want 
-you walk around with my phone to your ear, "talking" to people. 
-you've begun the "ill drop the toy and you pick it up for me... Over and over again" game.
-you're learning to how nod to say yes, rarely, but you have done it!
-you've now started to be a little more picky when it comes to eating food. I've had to now become a little bit more creative when feeding you
-you're learning to sniff when things go up to your nose. 
-you're learning depth perception instead of head diving off the couch, you tend to stare and take more precaution
-you've gotten your 7th tooth in!
-you went to your first amusement park (Hershey Park) and had an amazing time, taking your first choo choo train ride with your daddy and I, Aunt Lauren, Tia Ariel, Tio Gavie, Grammy, and Pop Pop! You even rang the bell at the end to announce that you enjoyed it so much!

Watching Preemo eat his dinner

Your fun playdate with Mae and Ms Eddine

Play time with Preemo

Snuggle time with mama

Hanging out with granddaddy

Hanging out with granddaddy and Paw Paw


Finally meeting your cousin Paisley

Family time, celebrating your great-grandparents bdays

Fun with Selah

Fun playdate with your buddy Selah

My little Guatemalan princess

Walking with Auntie Lauren at Hershey Park

Hershey Park fun

I love you baby girl! I look forward to the next month as you continue to grow! :)
