Thursday, June 12, 2014

10 months

Month 9::

This month started off with an a awful sleep regression. Your Aunt Jessica warned me that this would happen, and my amazing little sleeper was all messed up the day after you turned 9 months. Sleeping 12 hour nights (maybe waking up once or twice to nurse), all the sudden you woke up at 9 hours and would struggle going back to sleep for maybe another 40 minutes and be up for the day. Sounds good to most moms, but when you're spoiled with a good sleeper, and then suddenly it's no longer happening, you don't know how to handle it. You definitely threw me for a loop!! You've had quite a busy month and changing so much it's been surprising. I thought you would be slowing down on new things, but you're always learning and doing something new. Looking forward to the next month ahead of us, but let's recap what you've done the last month...

New foods: eggs, ribs, crab bisque soup, orange juice, pizza

-you've begun cruising along the couch
-when daddy and I help you walk, you burst out laughing
-you're love to wave to people when coming and going
-you kiss yourself in the mirror ALL THE TIME
-stand up in pack n play
-we took our first trip to PA for your Aunt Lauren's bday and you did amazing (first time away from home since bringing you home from the hospital)
-you slept through the night in your pack n play on your first night away from home, when I was expecting a potential for you waking up quite a bit 
-learning to feed yourself and loving it
-wanting to dance when you hear music 
-you flick your lips to make funny noises 
-copying people when they do things with their hands and noises they make 
-you pull yourself up to stand at the couch all the time now, and you're super fast at doing it
-you stand up and down and sometimes will squat there (love watching you excited to move)
-you're learning to give kisses with a closed mouth, and your daddy sure loves it! 
-you respond to your name
-have your 2nd tooth on the bottom 
-you blow kisses to people
-you pant like a dog when you're excited!
-got to get in a pool for the first time, and LOVED it!!!
-you survived a kitchen renovation that didn't allow you much play time downstairs for a week
-you said your final goodbyes to your cousin Lucy and Aunt Jess before they moved to London

I love you so much sweet girl.. Just 2 more months until your first birthday, and I'm so excited to see you keep growing!!! 
