Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pregnancy the 2nd time around

Some say that pregnancies can differ and some say they're all the same no matter the gender you're having. Once we found out we were pregnant this time, things were somewhat similar from the start in many ways, and I knew it was another girl. This pregnancy has similarities and differences like any pregnancy, however, this pregnancy has been a bit more difficulty this time around. 

Leeanas pregnancy went a little like this...

-Super excited finding out we were pregnant and having a baby! 
-no real nausea except for 2 weeks, and I would eat and was fine 
-trimester 2=SIMPLE!!!
-trimester 3... Had tons of energy, got bigger, and then by the end I was having pelvic pain and was ready to have this baby (week 39 I was done)
-Leeana was breech (head up) by 30 weeks, and I had to have a c-section 

This pregnancy...
-Super excited finding out we were pregnant after a year long wait!
-had nausea, needed so much rest because the nausea wouldn't always subside with food 
-trimester 2... Pelvic pain began MUCH earlier and the loss of energy happened quickly! 
-trimester 3... More bursts of energy, however still more pelvic pain 
-this little lady is head down, giving us a bigger chance of doing a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean/natural birth) 

Bonus: felt her move super early this time (I believe it was week 17 I felt the first movements) and that made the discomfort that was soon to come that much more bearable. 

Of course, every pregnancy has similarities and differences. This time I started off 20lbs heavier than I did with Leeana, because let's be real, you don't always lose ALL the baby weight. I think that the extra weight has a lot to do with the fact that I've had pelvic pain much earlier on. Also, this 2nd pregnancy I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) and it crushed me big time! A week later, I realized it's not so bad and just helping me to make better food choices and I'm actually doing great with it!!! This time around I also have a toddler needing tons of attention and help in many areas, when I only dealt with adults last pregnancy. All in all, the challenges that do/can come with pregnancy are all worth it when feeling and seeing the little one I'm carrying inside. I would take any of this on again and again in order to bring a beautiful human life into this world. Thank you Lord for this blessing!! 

Love you baby girl! Can't wait to meet you soon!!