Thursday, October 31, 2013

Staying at home...

So for those who are currently unaware, as of November 7, 2013 I'll officially be a stay at home mom & wife! Boy, am I super excited! This is something that I've dreamed of doing, and yet my wonderful husband has officially made my dreams come true. Thank you Carlos for working hard and providing for our family! You're a wonderful husband and doing a great job in your role as the head of our marriage. So thankful that God blessed me with you over 8 years ago, and yet we never imagined we would be where we are today, and now I couldn't imagine being anywhere else! I'm so glad that you're mine and so wonderful! Thank you hunny!

I'm truly looking forward to spending my days with my sweet little girl, Leeana, and watching her grow. I look forward to raising her, and teaching her so much as she learns about this world that we live in. I look forward to teaching her about the Bible, praying with her and for her, singing with her, teaching her colors, shapes, numbers, etc. I look forward to watching her learn to crawl and walk, and see how she progresses in the years to come. She's almost 3 months old and she's growing so much already! The fun is really about to begin soon!

As much as I've enjoyed my job over the last (almost) 4 years, I'll definitely remember the memories, the MANY laughs we've had, the jokes, the cries (from time to time), etc. with my awesome coworkers. I'm so thankful for the job opportunity that God gave me when I applied for the position. I never expected that I would start as a receptionist and work my way to be with the ladies I ended up with. I started here just needing somewhere to work since I had just gotten married and the lost my job 3 weeks later. This place hasn't always been easy, but the ladies I'm with have made it the greatest job I've had. They've made me laugh (many times), kept me informed about life/world, helped me when I needed it, given me advice, showed me different routes to drive to avoid traffic (thanks Pati & Debbie), etc. It's overall been an amazing 4 years with these ladies and I'm going to miss them tremendously all the time. Thankfully, I'll be back to visit as they've impacted my life a lot and seen me since I first got married, to now being a mom. Love you ladies!!! 

However, I'm so glad that my days of counting down the minutes until I can leave and go kiss my little girl, will be over. Only a few more days babygirl, and then it's you and me all the time! :) Love you sweetheart! 

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