Wednesday, March 20, 2013

21 weeks...

How far along?  21 weeks and 2 days! Baby is about 10.5 inches long from head to feet, and about the size of a carrot! :)
Total weight gain/measurements: only 8lbs as of this morning!
Maternity clothes: Still haven't bought a thing! Loving these belly bands though, they're helping me to be able to wear my same clothes! :)
Stretch marks: None as of yet! :)
Sleep: It's been good! I've finally figured out how to sleep through the night, but I have to face the opposite direction of my husband... I hate doing that, BUT at least I don't wake up (unless Penny decides to start snoring all loud)
Best moment this week: Definitely feeling her move a lot more! :)
Miss anything? Sleeping on my back, and not having to run to the bathroom every hour. It's no joke when they say pregnant women go to the bathroom all the time!
Movement: Definitely a lot going on! Since my placenta is still up front (and absorbs her kicks and punches) I feel a lot of fluttering, and some kicks randomly but it's been amazing! 
Food cravings: Coldstone... currently. Last week I smelled bacon at work (and those who know me, know I only really like turkey bacon.) so we HAD to go to Corner Bakery this weekend and get breakfast, cause I wanted bacon! Thankfully that's not a normal thing for me!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not recently! YEAH!
Gender:  a little girl! :)
Labor signs: none
Symptoms: nothing right now. just loving looking pregnant, and being pregnant! :) Definitely a dream come true.
Belly button in or out? Still in! The weird part is the inside part is pushing out some, as if it WILL pop in coming weeks.. let's hope not!
Wedding rings on or off? ON, and LOVING IT! :)
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy! Been really busy lately, so just trying to take it down a notch and not stress out. 
Looking forward to: On top of the other things from last week (listed below) I can't wait for our next appt. on March 29th (Good Friday) to see her on another sonogram! Then feeling more baby movements, picking out a name for the baby, and picking out room colors! :)

From the breakfast date Carlos & I went to on Saturday to Corner Bakery!!! 
Was so good!! His meal was the top one, and I ate the Commuters Croissant.. YUM! :)

(Left: 21 weeks, Right: 21 weeks & 2 days)
I feel like the look of my belly changes so much, 
and rounds out one day and isn't as round the next day! 

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